3D Animation

These projects were all rendered using Cinema 4d and After Effects. 

The Creature From the Bottom of the Cave

    For this creature design I made a monster that is seen at the bottom of the cave and with the luminescent acid is seen throughout the creature  and at the bottom of the cave. The acid gives the creature life and is used to illuminate their surroundings. 

The Sword in the Rock                                                                                                                  Glow Up

Punk Peppa 
Charged Up

It Came from Area 51

    This project shows a multi scene animation set in area 51. The creature called narwl was sent from a distant planet to learn more about life on earth but instead of learning more about humans the creature became entrapped. 


    In this work I wanted to show the escalation of stress and anxiety of working full time and being a full time student. I decided to add objects around my apartment and create a self portrait of the objects that make me unique. 


Frank Timperley Portfolio — Lincoln, Nebraska